Scott and Sasha created Stonyboot (Что-нибудь or “anything”- in Russian) to inspire others to follow their dreams and travel full time. Prior to this adventure, they both had stable jobs (Scott worked in IT and Sasha was a librarian). However, their true passion has always been to exploring new places and meeting new people. While working at their “normal” jobs they did some camping trips in a travel trailer and quickly learned that they can travel full time and live in a tiny house like a camper. Scott and Sasha picked a truck camper for many reasons, primarily for the ablity to go through rough terrain, explore off the beaten path, and to take the camper off the truck when needed. They have been on the road since 11/11/2019 and have no desire to stop any time soon!



The approved photos can be used below as long as you give @Stonyboot credit and also send an email to [email protected]  with the link where it’s being used. If you need any other types of photos with us or our rig, please send an email to [email protected] with your request.


Stonyboot, on all social media platforms, wants to inspire, motivate and educate people on how to fulfill their dreams and travel full time. Scott and Sasha are available for interviews to discuss any of the following broad topics:

  • Minimalistic Living
  • How to Pick an RV
  • Truck Camping 
  • RVing
  • RV Power Systems
  • Transitioning to a nomadic lifestyle
  • Digital Nomad challenges


Today Sunday ShowToday Sunday Show Stonyboot

Kerry Sanders from NBC reached out and interviewed us about our full time travel lifestyle. He was curious about any major changes, like travel restrictions that happened due to Covid. We shared this interview with another family that travels with kids. We absolutely loved working with Kerry and sharing our life on the road with a larger audience.

                                                                                            WATCH THE VIDEO

Truck Camper Magazine

Angela White from Truck Camper Magazine reached out to us right after our NBC interview aired. She was curious about our experience working with Kerry Sanders and NBC team. Angela also asked us about how much our lives have changed since Covid-19 started. 

                                                                                             READ THE ARTICLE

Truck Camper Adventure Logo

Truck Camper Adventure

Truck Camper Adventure is an e-magazine that shares truck camper news, reviews, travel tips, annual rallies and overland caravan trips, and more. We took part in their annual rally in Quartzite, AZ in 2021 and had so much fun! Mello Mike reached out to us after the rally and interviewed us about out full time travel lifestyle. We talked about the reasons we chose our camper, mods that we did and many other aspects of our life. 

                                                                                             READ THE ARTICLE

Rootless Living Magazine LogoRootless Living Magazine

Rootless Living Magazine is a great resource for digital nomads about digital nomads. We got featured in one of their articles called “Finally Full Time”. In this article we share our story of why we chose this full time travel lifestyle, the transition that we went through and talked about the financial aspect of our new life. Scroll down to page #31 to read!

                                                                                             READ THE ARTICLE                                                           

StorychasingAmber StoryChasing Stonyboot Interview

Amber has a successful YouTube channel with over 45K subscribers. She is a solo traveler and she’s been on the road for about four years. Amber featured us in one of her videos and did a rig tour of our truck and camper setup. We showed her the functionality of our camper, our organizational skills and talked about what it talked to live in a truck camper full time.

                                                                                            WATCH THE VIDEO

NuCamp 2 part Blog Post StonybootNuCamp RV

NuCamp RV did a 2 part interview about our journey to full time travels. They were curious about how we came with an idea of traveling full time, what did we want to have in a camper and why did we pick a truck camper specifically and what are the pros and cons to this lifestyle and many other things!

                                                                                               READ PART 1
                                                                                               READ PART 2

Working UntetheredStonyboot Digital Nomads

In this article, we share some of the financial aspects of our life as digital nomads. We talk about what we do for income, our work schedule, what our workspace looks like, and some of the challenges that we face as full-time travelers.

                                                       READ THE ARTICLE